War veteran Edwin Jeffery honoured
MOUSEHOLE war veteran Edwin Jeffery is used to having a chest full of medals.

Mousehole war veteran Edwin Jeffery with his Legion d’honneur.
But this year the 91-year-old – who 70 years ago this week was part of the D-Day landings in Nor- mandy – has a little extra weight on his lapel.
The Royal Navy veteran was presented with the Legion d’hon- neur on Thursday – France’s highest honour – in recognition of his part in liberating Europe from the racism, bigotry and intolerance of the Nazis.
The presentation took place as the eyes of the world were on Nor- mandy, and particularly Arro- manches, the small town at the centre of Gold Beach, one of five allied designated landing areas.
After the ceremony, Edwin, whose daughter Charlotte, originally from Morrab Road in Penzance, is with him in France, led one of the commemorative marches of veterans.
Published in the Cornishman June 2014

Edwin in the Veteran Parade Arromanche 6th June 2014

Arromanche service of Remembrance 6th June 2014

In a French newspaper